Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"Smiles are contagious. Smile at someone and they will smile back."

Smile. It is a simple act, but sometimes takes a lot of effort. A smile can cause boundaries to melt, hearts to warm up, and distances to reduce. Why don't we smile more often? Is it too tough to smile? The answer lies in our attitude towards life. If we are more accepting of situations, we will be able to smile more easily.


  1. This blog is something I am very guilty of! I tend to overthink everything and be too serious about life. People do not like it when you don't smile, and it definitely gives those around you a negative impression. I am constantly asked "why don't you smile" or "smile, it's not so bad!". I usually just brush it off or say something along the lines of "I'm smiling on the inside." Lady is correct in everything she says. You will enjoy life more if you accept the things that are thrown at you - good or bad. Even though it doesn't take that much more effort, if you smile more, people will be drawn to you and get to know you more - and isn't that what life is about, getting to know people and ENJOYING life???

  2. Enjoy middle name is 'laughter'...some of you might have noticed!
